Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Returning To Our Inner Core

  • I have heard as so many others have said "If I win the lottery, I would........" I had a lot of time last week while on a business trip with my husband of solitude and reflection, in which I desperately needed I might add, to think. (no comments from the peanut gallery on the smoke coming out of my head either Phillip Massie lol).
       On a more serious note, I was thinking about the things that I would change in my life if money were not an object. I have traveled some to other countries, went back to school delved deeply back into some of the things that I did when I was younger like showing horses and so on. Interestingly I could not think of anything that I would change much except taking better care of myself and being generous to others that I care about. The sad thing is that throwing money at folks including ourselves doesn't solve our inner emptiness and problems. Sounds cliché I know but it is true.
  •    Something much more valuable comes when we have to forge ahead and overcome things in our lives which to me is humility and empathy......The word gluttony comes to mind when I think of those that we see in the media that are extremely wealthy. Not all of course, but when you hear of someone having a 2 grand toilet seat. I suppose my nature will always be the same as I love to help people. To wind this down as I was out of town, I was sitting outside a building feeling anxious and uneasy as to what is missing in my life. While sitting there, a car pulled up in front of me and an older man was letting his wife out of the car. As she got out, he handed her a walker. I watched thinking, this is what life is about helping others and being in the moment to see such caring for each other. I stood up and opened the door for her, as she said "Thank you young lady, I just got a new knee." We both smiled at each other as I said "good for you now you can really go shopping." She laughed.
       I need to get back into my career, nursing or mental health, whatever my path may lead. I miss the interaction with others on this level.