Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Sacredness of Emotional Healing

  To find those things that which are sacred in life is the most honored forms of discovery and awakenings one can experience. To me there are but two choices in this life: embrace all or deflect and run. I have chosen the first. Not all of the time I have chosen to embrace but to escape as the pain was too great and my soul was too weary. Escaping is healthy if it is just for short respites and experienced  in a healthy way, such as reading, watching a movie or mindful meditation. It is when we continue to choose manners that are not spiritually whole that our psych becomes “sick”. I am an expert on choosing the ones that were not so good for me, but I guess I had to go through all of them in order to weed them out and begin to find and use the ones that are spiritually healthy.

  The funny thing is perhaps I am a slow learner or some of my attachments have been a little more difficult to “give up” if you will. As a young child I found remarkable ways in which to nurture myself and find comfort while being alone. It was my horses that gave me respite and a feeling of loving connection. I felt their spirits as so profound and their responsiveness to trauma so powerful. I have so many stories about horses in which that I have encountered in my life that have been abused or neglected, that it is difficult to choose just one. Not to mention all of the other animals that I have saved and corrected their instincts that humans are bad. Without going into to details here, I will just say I identified with animals that needed to be loved and I still do. Life happens to each and every one of us and we do the best we can under the circumstances in which that a lot of the time we have little control, but all we can do is survive.

  Someone once told me that all of those that I was saving were little Mari’s. For the first time in my life that resonated with me and I could put words to what happened inside of me when I did save and protect animals. It wasn’t until I learned ways to save myself that I truly began to live a more peaceful life. Saving other beings eventually catches up with us and if we do not begin to find ways to address what is inside of us that is damaged, we will spend our entire life chasing metaphors that temporarily covers our wounds with a thin bandage. It is when we look at those wounds for what they are, what they “really” are that is, and instill the healing that they need in order to recover, it is then the true in essence of the wound is discovered. It takes a tremendous amount of courage and diligence to work through all of the layers of the emotional wounds and then patiently wait for the granulation to begin. However, once healing begins the power of the wounds decrease and opens up more space for the richness that life has to offer.

  So many of our mistakes in this life are due to unresolved unhealed wounds that perhaps we are not even aware of but if we look closely there is usually a theme that continues repeating itself if we find ourselves sad and lonely. If we can step back, slow down and breathe, our focus can re-center itself and a new awareness can follow. We must do this a little at a time for changes to become permanent, for if we just blaze through ripping and tearing more damage occurs and the longer the healing process becomes. We do not necessarily want to go in and completely debride the wound but we want to slowly remove our emotional scar tissue while not disturbing the natural healing process that goes on at the same time. The challenge is finding the balance and someone to work with us patiently and without judgment.  Seek those that are lovingly compassionate and empathically in tuned to your needs. Allow yourself patience and self-forgiveness, and in return those will flow from you onto all sentient beings.  Live fully, love completely and laugh all of the way to your innards.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Moments: Gratitude and Awareness.


  I often wonder how every year will unfold and how I will feel on days like today. I just don’t plan anything or want to be around too many people. I have learned that my solitude is so important and taking each moment as they come. I cannot allow myself to get into a rush as it brings up so much anxiety that it is physically painful. It feels like I have rushed and pushed myself my whole life and now I am not willing to do that anymore.

  Today is the seven year anniversary of Brad’s passing. I just allow these days to be what they are and embrace all of the feelings that come. No more escaping behaviors, no more just busying myself to not think but just allowing myself to “be”. I am sad but at the same time I am feeling the overwhelming sense of reverence for my son. This day feels different than the previous year anniversaries. The feeling of sacredness overcomes me and that I have the right to spend it the way I want or I should say the way I need to honor this day.

  Reflection is a big part of this day as I remember the sweet and funny stories of Brad. I awoke this morning sweating from a dream that I was having regarding some sense of anxiousness.  This spoke to me that I need to focus more on my inner spiritual life and practice more meditation techniques especially during times like this.  This reminds me of some lyrics to a song that I have been listening to in the last year. “After all of my running, I am finally coming home”….”the world tried to break me and I found the road to take me,,,,home”.  It has taken so much painstaking work to get where I am and I still have a lot of work to continue to do, but at least I have an idea now what this world is about. There are still days that I think, I cannot do this anymore” but fortunately those moments are fewer and do not last long, as they did in the beginning when I felt I couldn’t breathe another breath of sorrow.  I have found my new sense of my “inner” home and what my needs are in my inner life to instill  peace, happiness and joy.  I no longer feel I have to “fix” everything anymore and it is such a liberating experience, for the only person we are really fully responsible for is “ourselves”.

  So I will end by sharing a story of my son.   He was so humble and sensitive that I knew that not I but something more omnipresent  was responsible for his soul. It was when I started dating David when Brad was eight. From the first moments of David and I in the  beginning our relationship, David always included Brad and never ask me once to get a babysitter, but just said “bring Brad along”. This meant so much to me and I knew this man was special from the beginning. So one weekend before we were getting ready to go to Ashland to spend the weekend with David, Brad seemed to be anxious and pacing through our house wanting to say something to me.  Finally I stopped him and asked him what the matter was. He said so maturely, “mom, David is a lot older than you and if you guys get married, you will live longer than him and then you will be alone and sad.” Not quite knowing how to respond to this I thought for a moment and then responded with this. “Well, that is likely but what we have is now and we really don’t know what will happen in the future, and I try to live my life one day at a time.” I then went on to explain to him that I am a strong person and no matter what I will always be ok. This seemed to settle him and he never brought it up again, but instead lived the way I described one day at a time. David contributed so much in my son’s life that at times I feel  that I don’t tell him enough and I am so grateful to have shared my son’s life with him and we have  worked very hard to survive the tragic loss of Brad.

  I cannot say for sure that someday Brad and I will meet again, but what I can say is that he is still in my life on a spiritual basis and lives through me. My hope is that I can continue to weather out the sad times and take him with me on the rest of my journey through my life. It is he that taught me the essence of loving someone more than myself, and it is he that instilled in me the importance of self-love, compassion and courage.  For this day I find great comfort knowing that he is with me and I can still hear his voice….saying, “Mom.” Our earthly cord may have been severed but our spiritual cord is intact continuing the flow of unconditional love, today and always……..

Friday, June 8, 2012

To Brad, From Mom


  I believe that what we send out in the universe we get back. If we send out love in return we receive love, if we send out negativity then it again comes back to us. I just re-watched a movie that I saw five or six years ago shortly after Brad transitioned to his next life. It is called What the Bleep Do We Know. A nice reminder of how our mind and thoughts influence our lives and our ability to adjust them by having positive intentions.  And when we do “think positive” then positivity will manifest before our eyes. I have to admit here that, this weekend is going to be tough. On Sunday it will be seven years since my son left his physical body but it doesn’t feel that long since he was here with me. So many things have changed and occurred, but my heart still aches at times from missing him. Wondering what he would be doing in his life, if he would have children making me a grandmother and so on. I cannot allow myself to stay in those thoughts for long, as I feel my stomach tighten, my eyes tear up and that unwelcomed lump in my throat. It is too emotionally overwhelming. Instead I go to the place of gratitude for the memories that we have of him and his spiritual presence with me every moment of my life.

   So going back to sending love and peace out to the universe I feel moved to share a story of what happened yesterday while I was walking the dogs in the woods. After my uneventful berry picking, this time not getting chased by a protective momma dear, I took the dogs to the creek for their swim to cool off. As they did their “soak” one by one, I stood there talking to them as usual and told them they could go explore a bit but not for long. Yes I know I talk to them like they are my children and I guess in essence I am their human Mom.  I stood on the creek bed, listening to the sounds of nature and thinking how magnificent it all is and the balance of everything, when suddenly I heard a quiet rustling in the tall foliage near me. I turned to look and a little fawn came trotting down the bank coming directly towards me. I stood very still and it came right to my legs pausing momentarily and brushing up against me. Again I stood silent and still and sending out a protective loving feeling towards the little sweet creature. As I knew the dogs must have frightened it and I wanted to make sure he felt safe. He then walked slowly over to a small deluge between the creek beds and lay down under an area of brush.  Worried, I began to walk back towards the house calling gently for the dogs to follow. Well Momma Doe must have found the dogs first because here we go round two of one angry Momma chasing my four  dogs running towards me with the look of “help!” in their eyes. And out loud I said, “now this could get ugly” as I didn’t have a tractor to run to, nor are my tree climbing skills in check. My only defense I thought was raising my arms to appear big and scary. She stopped about 20 feet in front of me as I grabbed one of the dogs by the collar and  I made eye contact with the doe. She turned slowly and went back to check on her baby. It felt almost like we communicated to each other like “ok we got this now”.

  So what does this mean to me? To me it was just another reminder that because of my son, my internal essence of being a mother is still inside of me. I am still the protector of the vulnerable. I thought about this in depth on our walk back to the house. Something magically occurs it seems when significant dates arrive, like Brad’s birthday, Mother’s Day and so on that I know are “visits” if you will, from my son. Gifts from above as I call them and if we do not remain open and slow down we miss them. Every day I do something that connects me more fully with the universe through nature and my animals. To witness life as it goes on around me, and knowing that not only do I have the privilege to experience it but I also have the duty to share it so that others may be given the hope that “yes life is worth living and meant to enjoy”. I get this now adamantly for one of the first times in my life. Looking forward to many gifts and visits to come…..